The standards of equipment and pattern of accoutrement of individual Imperialis Militia regiments were just as varied. Some were ancient martial classes with their roots in the Age of Strife, while others were irregular levies activated only in direst need, and in most cases the template of command structure and hierarchy imposed by the Imperium's Principia Militaris was adhered to only in its generality. Rather, each was a colonial defence force raised from a planet's own populace and its commander-in-chief was the Imperial Commander of the world it defended. The Imperialis Militia was not a coherent, galaxy-spanning organisation by any means, and, except in times of great emergency, was not subject to the chains of command of the Imperial Army. The Imperialis Militia were therefore the first, and in many cases, the only bulwark against recidivism and disorder, and its forces, whether they were raised as conscripts from a hive city's teeming masses, the yeomancy of a feudal order or tribal levies, stood guard as watchmen against the return of Old Night. Should xenos raiders or outcasts attack from without, the world's own militia were to hold until help arrived. Should rebellion ignite, the world's own militia were to crush it.

When the Crusade hosts departed, such worlds stood alone once more.
It was the duty of this militia to act in no small part as the enforcers of the Imperial Truth if needed, and its protectors should the Iterators and cadres of administrators of all stripes who were left behind to oversee the long transition to full concordance become threatened or meet resistance. Once a world was declared Compliant and under the full control of an appointed and independent Imperial Commander, part of that Commander's principal duty was the raising of an Imperialis Militia to protect their domain and sustain their control. Part of the vast, sprawling body of the Imperium's military and its support structure, known collectively as the Excertus Imperialis, these regiments formed what was in effect the lowest and most common run of the wider Imperial Army, or the Imperialis Auxilia as it was more precisely known. These elites may be House troops belonging to a particular noble dynasty, under the command of the Planetary Governor of the world, or even Kill Squad Storm Troopers.ĭuring the era of the Great Crusade, it fell to the Imperialis Militia to secure and to hold those worlds brought to Imperial Compliance by the Crusade's Expeditionary Fleets.
Larger planetary populations may permanently support professional PDF corps, including elite special forces troops. Many PDF regiments on certain worlds will betray their Planetary Governor if the opportunity - and the right incentive - arises.

However, the loyalty of many PDF units is not always true. Whenever required, the best soldiers in a PDF are transferred into the regiments of the Imperial Guard, receiving further training as they are shipped to their destined locations elsewhere in the galaxy. Also important is the PDF's role as the primary source of recruits for the Imperial Guard. Thus, although rarely respected within the broader Imperial military due to their relative lack of experience, the PDF are widely considered crucial to the Departmento Munitorum as the first line of defence for Imperial worlds against any form of invasion or rebellion. When facing any internal or external threat, it is the responsibility of the PDF to engage the enemy until Imperial reinforcements such as the Astra Militarum or Space Marines can be mustered by the nearby Sector Command. The PDF, as essentially the local military of an Imperial world, has no standardisation and can take any form some, such as the PDF of Hive Worlds, may be no more than legitimised gangs supported and armed by the local planetary government to keep down the more anarchic elements. According to Imperial law, all Imperial planets must maintain a standing army in order to maintain the planetary government's (and thus the Imperium's) control over the world against any possible invasion or insurrection.

The PDF is under the control of the local planetary government rather than direct Imperial control the raising, training, arming, leadership, etc., of such units is entirely in the hands of the world's Planetary Governor. Imperial icon used to designate Planetary Governors, who serve as the commanders-in-chief of their local Planetary Defence Force.Ī Planetary Defence Force (usually abbreviated to PDF) is the primary military force of an individual Imperial world. Vladimir Rex, Castellan of Hellhive Crag " The skies themselves burn, and we burn with them, yet we fight.